What is Relief Care? Phase One of Your Treatment
When a patient first picks up the phone and calls us, they are usually looking for some form of relief from pain. Whether they had fallen, had a car wreck, have repetitive trauma, or a "flare-up" from a previous condition--they want to feel better. The sooner that happens the happier they are. They'll do anything to get out of the pain or discomfort they are in. Sound familiar?
Or, maybe they had been trying to get out of pain and they "went everywhere tried everything". As one patient shares:
“ After six year of pain, 2 MRI’s, 2 X-rays, and many doctor visits--not to mention going to see a regular chiropractor every day for 3 months, no change in my back was happening. I came to Dr. Chance and after six visits my low back pain is gone!”
Our goal for the first couple of sessions is to find a way to relieve your pain or discomfort. Dr. Chance uses an advanced form of low force chiropractic, muscle balancing, ice/heat therapy, massage techniques and acupuncture to help with the inflammation and pain. Many times, if the injury is severe, or if the problem is chronic, 3-8 visits and certain supplements are necessary to achieve these goals. Most patients see a tremendous amount of improvement during this time. Patients are thrilled with the results, they tell their friends and families and strangers of their "miracle cure" of their long time problem.
“After suffering from vertigo for over 4 weeks, my Western doctor had told me there was no reason he could find and the only treatment was medication. Not wanting to go that route a friend suggested I see Dr. Chance, after one visit my vertigo has declined amazingly and after the 2nd visit I had no dizziness. I feel great-thank you!”
Fulfilling this need for relief care is very important. When we have misalignments that cause pain or dysfunction, we are not at our best. Frustration and desperation are not uncommon. I've seen people at their wit's end trying to figure out "what is wrong" with them. Most of the time, we can correct these misalignments in a relatively short period of time.