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Pella Crossing 

Darby's Favorite Reasons to Love this Hike:

  1. Looking for a great day around some ponds and lakes? This trail is in west Longmont, and really convenient if you want a nice trail walk and don't want to go into the mountains. From the restrooms, walk towards the left and go down the Martlatt Trails path to the Dragonfly, Poplar and Clearwater Ponds (1.1 miles). Or, walk towards the shelter to the right to the Braly Trails trails around Sunset and Webster Ponds, and Heron Lake (1.8 miles).

  2. Like to fish? Most of the ponds are stocked ready for fishing (except for Webster Pond). Bluegill, black crappie, channel catfish, perch, tiger muskie,  large mouth and small mouth bass. Artificial flies and lures only. Look for the amphibians and reptiles in and near the water: frogs, turtles, and snakes.

  3. Birds? Yeah, they've got birds. American: coot, crow, goldfinch, kestrel, widgeon, white pelican; barn swallow, belted kingfisher, black-billed magpie, blue jay, oriole, hummingbird, brow-headed cowbird, Canada goose, cedar waxwing, goldeneye, crackle, merganser, nighthawk, and raven.

  4. Wetland habitats make it available to other animals: beaver, coyote, deer mouse, little brown bat, white-tailed deer, muskrat, raccoon, red fox, rock squirrel, and western harvest mouse.

  5. Views of Long's Peak and the rest of Rocky Mountain National Park peaks.

County- Boulder

Elevation- Easy, all the same elevation

Dogs- on leash only

Bikes and Horses: Yes

Restrooms and Picnic tables: Yes, at the trailhead and at the Martlatt Trail.

Directions: Just south of the intersection of Hygiene Rd and 75th Street, in Longmont.

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